Current Students
Upcoming Events:
Upcoming Events:
September 10: (Most Likely) Testing
September 24: POKC Tournament (Fieldale, VA)
December: Testing
December 17: Banquet at Dutch Inn, Collinsville
Click on the +Google Calendar button to add to your device.
Zoom Info:
Zoom Info:
Link: Click here!
Password: L47mhr
Practice Videos
Practice Videos
Click here for access to our practice videos. Once you arrive on the portal website, type in the Guest Access password to view videos for Taekwondo and Shotokan.
Shirts & Supplies Orders
Shirts & Supplies Orders
For any RMA or style shirts, hoodies, hats, etc., click on the Apparel Orders button.
For any sparring gear, uniforms, bags, or other accessories, click on Supplies Orders.
RMA Monthly Record.pdf
Practice Logs
Practice Logs
Practice logs are due at the last class of each month. Paper copies are available at each location, but feel free to download and print a copy.